BIARC Newsletter


A special thanks to all who helped make 2004 a very successful year for BIARC. Not only has our membership increased, our repeater committee has done extensive work on the repeaters, Field Day was a big success, our programs were very interesting and our first big social function was well attended.

VU4 from Andaman Island has been quite active recently and quite a few of us have been able to work them on 10M, 15M, and 20M. Some have been lucky enough to get them on 40M and they have also been heard on 17M. Andaman Island is off the East coast of India and has not been on the air in 17 years.

Results of our November election: We have four new two year directors: Sean Stueber NH7SA; Clifton Leonard KH6XJ; Ken Cutting KH7ZJ; and Lloyd Cabral KH6LC. Our new Vice President is Sydney Sellers, NH7OD. Sydney will be in charge of our programs and social activities.

We have been trying to line up our programs for 2005. January will get off to a great start with retired Fire

Chief Lloyd Narimatsu speaking to us on Fire Safety. Bob Schneider AH6J states that he is a very dynamic speaker. February, Harry Nishiyama, KH6FKG will show us how to make a portable/mobile emergency 2 Meter antenna. This should help us all in an emergency situation. March, Ted Brattstrom, NH6YK will do a Power Point presentation on Midway Island. Ted has been there numerous times in many capacities - vacation, ham radio and worker. Dick and I have been to Midway three times (once for 3-1/2 months as volunteers) so we will be especially interested in Ted’s presentation. Lori Miner AH6OS, her husband Dick NH6FP, Norm Paik NH7CT and his wife Kathleen went with us the last time we were there over New Year’s 2002. We are also hoping to have our friend Mike Daak attend that day too. He was in charge of the Communications area on Midway for many years. He was Dick’s boss for the 3-1/2 months while Dick was setting up the ham radio area on Midway. Midway was closed to eco-tourism just after we left the island in January 2002. Hopefully, one of these days, it will open up again. Jim Sky, KH6SKY, will be presenting an Astronomy program for us in May, perhaps listening to the sun! It has been suggested that we expand our programs to other areas besides ham radio. In July we will have our second Hawaiian program featuring Ron Ebert, AJ0T, and his wife Nadine, KA0FBB. They both belong to a halau in the Ka`u area. Hopefully Shirley, NH7OH, and Robert NH6AH, will perform as they did at Ralph’s party in November. Dr Don Hemmes, of UHH, has written a book about mushrooms and has agreed to speak to us in September. My husband and I have heard him speak and have also gone on a nature hike with him at Kalopa State Park where he pointed out many different types of fungi and mushrooms. We are also trying to organize more social functions for this year as everyone had a super time at the Fontaine’s potluck dinner in November. (Possibly a Valentine’s Party) We have April, June, August and November dates still open, so if you have ideas for programs either get in touch with Sydney, NH7OD, at 756-4953 or myself at 982-9126.

The Hawaii ARC will be operating KH6GP during the CQ 160 CW Contest on January 28th, 29th, and 30th at Laupahoehoe Point. You’re welcome to stop in to see the operating any time on Saturday the 29th.

Ham Kaneshiro, AH6HB, has recently moved into his own home in Las Vegas. His new address is 3587 Applewood Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89121. Phone number is 702-436-9525. Jack Sanders KH6KT recently visited Ham. He said that Ham misses everyone and especially misses the Hilo rain. Ham has already become a member of BIARC for 2005 so he’ll be keeping up to date through our monthly newsletter.

On November 19, 2004 we had visitors join us for lunch at the Hilo Hawaiian: Erwin Eigensperger DL1DX of Germany and Shel Kurtzman KH6HH of Kona. So nice to have them join us.

Our Christmas party held at the Seaside Restaurant in Hilo was GREAT. Thanks to Dennis, KH7H, for being the Chairman of this year’s party. The tables were decorated beautifully with ten centerpieces made by Lori, AH6OS. These were later given out as part of the door prizes. Santa and Mrs. Claus (Bob, AH6J, and his lovely wife Esther) handed out door prizes to everyone present. The Officers and Directors who were present were installed for the year 2005 by Robert Schneider, AH6J, the Assistant Section Manager and last year’s Immediate Past President. I made a special presentation to my husband Dick, AH7G, of his ARRL 50 year award. He was very surprised and pleased. (The award had come in the mail that morning and I was able to keep it a secret until the dinner that night.)

Another box of QSL cards has arrived from the bureau and has been sorted. Please make sure you check with Dick, AH7G, at the January meeting to see if you have any cards.

We have compiled a budget for 2005 for the members approval at the January meeting. A sizable increase over last year, but we are expecting a banner year in 2005. Our membership grew to 100 in 2004 and I’m suggesting that we shoot for 125 this year. Remember to get your membership paid by March 31st. If you’re not paid by that date your newsletter will stop coming. A roster for 2005 will be printed at that time.

A contest will be held to see who can sign up the most new members by March 31, 2005. A new member is someone who has not been a member for the last three years. On the bottom of our applications there is a line for sponsor name. Ron, AH6HN, our treasurer will keep track of the new members. Example: Ted Ross, AH6GD, included his wife as a new Associate member this year. I will be providing the prize and presenting it at our April meeting.

A reminder to Officers and Directors: Our first Board meeting will be held January 7th (the day before the General Meeting) at 1PM at the Hilo Hawaiian lounge off the lobby.

Dick and I wish you all a Very Happy, Prosperous, and Very Healthy New Year

Barbara NH7FY



SATURDAY JANUARY 8th 2:00 p.m. At the Kea’au Community Center located off Old Volcano Road at the end of the street behind the Fire Station.

Our guest speaker is retired Fire Chief, Lloyd Narimatsu, who will be giving us pointers on Fire Safety.

We will start with the program, then refreshments, and then have our short membership meeting.

Anyone interested in ham radio is welcome to attend.


January Birthdays

  • KH6AU Haruwo Yamamoto 5th
  • Assoc. Miyuki Carr 5th
  • K6ESL John McConnell 7th
  • >WH6BGY June Brown-Ngaden 14th
  • KH6LC Lloyd Cabral 14th
  • AJ0T Ron Ebert 18th
  • NH7SX Elisa Stueber 20th
  • WH6CME Ray Hicks 22nd

    Happy Birthday to all !!