of the
Big Island Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
May 18, 2019
Meetings of the club shall consist of regular monthly programs and activities, Semi-Annual Membership Meetings, and Special Membership Meetings. Semi-Annual Membership Meetings, which may also include a program, shall be held in May and November of each year. Regular monthly programs shall be held at a regular day and time determined annually by the Executive Board. Special Membership Meetings may be called by the President upon receipt of a written request signed by five Full Members of the club (See Section 2), and for this purpose, the President may also sign such a request. Notices of special Membership Meetings shall be sent by electronic mail and shall be sent at least 10 days prior to the scheduled meeting.
The BIARC is a non-profit corporation in the State of Hawai’i and derives its operating funds entirely from membership dues, donations or grants, and special fund-raising activities.
Adult Full Members: Annual club dues for Full Members are $20.00 and are payable in December of each year for the following calendar year. Dues for first-time Full Members who join the club on or after March are $2.00 per month through and including the following December.
Adult Associate Members: Annual club dues for Associate Members are $10.00 and are payable in December of each year for the following calendar year. Dues for first-time Associate Members who join the club on or after March are $1.00 per month through and including the following December.
Youth Full Members: Annual club dues for Youth Full Members shall be $5.00 and are payable in December of each year for the following calendar year. Youth Full Members who join the club on or after March need not pay dues until the following December or their 18th birthday, whichever occurs first.
Youth Associate Members: There are no annual dues for Youth Associate Members.
Family Membership: Dues are for individual memberships except that two or more related Adult Full Members living at the same address may choose to make a single dues payment of $30.00 per year. In this case, the name and type of individual membership of each family member must be specified at the time of payment. On-Line Dues Payments: Dues paid by means of a BIARC-approved on-line technology shall be 10% more than dues paid with cash or by check.
Standing Committees
Standing committees of the Executive Board assist the Executive Board in carrying out its duties as defined in the Constitution. Executive Board members are expected to participate in one or more standing committees. Standing committee memberships shall be established by the Executive Board in January. Committee members do not have to be Executive Board members and may be drawn from all levels of Membership (Full or Associate including Youth memberships.) Standing committees are expected to meet monthly in person or via the BIARC email and to submit written monthly reports of said meetings to the Executive Board Secretary. All Executive Board standing committees will have a minimum of three members. All Executive Board standing committees will provide a proposed annual budget to the incoming Executive Board in January. The Executive Board standing committees are as follows:
Program Committee: The Program Committee is chaired by the Vice President and shall consist of persons from appropriate interest areas.
Voice Repeater Committee: The voice repeater committee is responsible for maintaining all VHF/UHF voice repeater equipment owned by the club. The Voice Repeater Committee will make recommendations to the Executive Board regarding maintenance and update or replacement issues.
Digital Systems Committee: The Digital Systems Committee is responsible for maintaining all non-repeater digital equipment, including digital voice and data, owned by the club. The Digital Systems Committee will make recommendations to the Executive Board regarding maintenance and update or replacement issues. Digital systems may include:
- HF digital systems;
- VHF/UHF packet systems;
- Winlink systems;
- VHF/UHF APRS nodes and digipeaters.
Operating Activities Committee: The Operating Activities Committee seeks input from the club membership regarding operating activities that can be sponsored by the club. The ARRL Field Day Chair shall be a member of this committee. The Station Trustee shall be a member of this committee. The committee shall plan and carry out activities that have been approved by the Executive Board. Operating Activities may include, but are not limited to the following:
- annual ARRL Field Day club participation;
- official club station entries into other radiosport activities;
- special event stations.
The Operating Activities Committee will make recommendations to the Executive Board regarding operating activities to be sponsored by the club.
Public Service Communications Committee: The Public Service Communications Committee will be the liaison between Public Service agencies, Public Safety Agencies and BIARC. This committee shall seek input from other community groups and individuals and makes recommendations to the Executive Board regarding activities pertaining to public service provided by the club. The Station Trustee shall be a member of this committee. Activities may include:
- SKYWARN activation callouts;
- emergency communications (EMCOMM) services;
- public service communications services.
Education and Outreach Committee: The Education and Outreach Committee is responsible for: planning and conducting amateur radio license classes at least annually; conducting VEC sessions at least annually; and establishing relationships with local education agencies in order to provide resources for the study of science and social studies. This committee shall work with other Executive Board committees to ensure that appropriate news and information releases regarding club activities are provided to local media outlets. This committee will also manage the on-line presence of BIARC through technologies such as:
- the club’s website;
- social media platforms.
Big Island Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
Constitution and Bylaws Change Record
- May 18, 2019:Vote to approve and replace previous Bylaws certified by BIARC Board of Directors.
- May 18, 2019: BIARC Board of Directors Implements this Constitution and Bylaws.
- May 18, 2019: Interim Executive Board put in place.
- November 14, 2020: Bylaws Amendment to allow on-line dues payments to be 10% higher than payments made by check or cash.
- November 14, 2020: Constitutional Amendment that redefines the conditions for Full and Associate Member status.
BIARC is a 501(c)(7) tax-exempt entity, supported by our members and volunteers. Please consider making a donation.
Note: BIARC donations are not tax deductable.
Except where noted, all original content Copyright © and Big Island Amateur Radio Club 2005 - 2024.
All rights reserved.
Big Island Amateur Radio Club. P. O. Box 1938, Hilo, HI 96721-1938.