BIARC HomeClub Information:OfficersCommittees Members Constitution Bylaws Constitution & Bylaws-PDF (Printable) How to Join BIARC Membership Booklet (PDF) Activities:Calendar of EventsClasses & Training Presentation Archive 2021 ARES SET Communication:NewslettersRepeaters Nets BIARC Listserve ARES Information Prowords External Links:Information |
Welcome to the Big Island Amateur Radio Club website. The mission of the Big Island Amateur Radio Club (BIARC) is to recruit, educate, and help committed Ham Radio operators carry on the traditions of amateur radio by using our network of technical resources and expertise to provide equipment, skilled operators, and emergency services when called upon in time of need and to assist and protect the citizens in the communities in which we live and serve. BIARC is dedicated to community service and providing education to the general public about the history, operation, functions, and benefits of the Amateur Radio Service. BIARC members adhere to the Radio Amateur's Code and are considerate, loyal, progressive, friendly, balanced, and patriotic.
Our Next Club Activity will be held on:March 9th at 2:00 PM at theKamana Senior Center * 127 Kamana Street * Hilo. HI(You may participate online using the following Video Links via Google Meet.)
(Click the appropriate link above. The meeting will appear as a new tab or new browser window. Click the 'Join Now' button. Allow it to use your Mic and Camera if asked. Please mute your mic when you are not speaking.)
Please join us on Sunday, March 9th at 14:00 HST for our club activity at the Kamana Senior Center.Visit:BIARC YouTube ChannelDecibels Presentation by NH6ET (January 12, 2025)Technet Zoom Sessions: NH6ET Channel on YouTube.Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARRL/ARES)®ARRL/ARES Pacific Section Leadership Page A Guide to Amateur Radio Emergency Communications in Hawaii County Hawaii County Civil Defense Auxilliary Communication Service Forms:(Please print copies of these forms for practice and emergency use when telephone and internet service are unavailable) HC CDA Situation Report (SitRep-Also used for damage reports.) HC CDA Request for Assistance (RFA) Note: The HC CDA forms are also available on Winlink: 1) From RMS Express, Click Message, New Message, and Select Template. 2) Open Standard Templates, HI State forms, and HCDA Forms. 3) Double-click the form you need to launch it in your web browser. Hawaii VOAD